Monday, October 28, 2013

Minutes from September RCA Board Meeting

Attendees:   Connie Hartke, Dick Rogers, George Kain, John Hanley (Presiding), Tammi Petrine, Terry Maynard, and Joe Leighton (late arrival); absent:  Sridhar Ganesan, Gary Thomas, Gary Walker, Colin Mills

The meeting was presided over by Vice President John Hanley in the absence of RCA President Colin Mills, who was on his honeymoon. 

1.  Agenda:   The draft agenda was adopted unanimously on a motion by Tammi Petrine, seconded by Terry Maynard.

2.  Minutes:  The draft minutes of the August meeting of the RCA Board were approved unanimously on a motion by Tammi Petrine, seconded by Connie Hartke.

3.  Treasurer’s Report:  The draft Treasurer’s report, presented by acting chair Vice President John Hanley, was unanimously accepted without changes on a motion by Tammi Petrine, seconded by Terry Maynard.  A motion by Terry Maynard, seconded by Dick Rogers, to table the motion to consolidate most of RCA’s accounts until the October meeting in the absence of the Treasurer was approved unanimously.

4.  Reston Task Force Update, Joint RA-RCA-ARCH Summary Statement.   Terry Maynard, RCA’s representative to the Reston Task Force updated the Board on its activities and the efforts of RA, RCA, and ARCH leaders to reach a joint agreement on needed improvements in planned text and present a Joint Community Forum.  Maynard offered a motion, seconded by Tammi Petrine, and approved unanimously by the Board to endorse the draft joint summary statement and calling for review of a further detailed joint statement to be drafted.  (A copy of the resolution as passed is attached.)

5.  Sunset Hills Park & Ride.  Dick Rogers presented a motion, seconded by Terry Maynard, calling on the County to move promptly to create a park & ride facility on the south side of the Wiehle Metrorail station.  An amendment offered by Dick Rogers and seconded by Tammi Petrine, called for removing the word “strongly” from the resolution.  The amendment was approved by vote of 4-2 (For:  Rogers, Kain, Hanley, Tammi Petrine; Against:  Maynard, Hartke).  The motion was approved unanimously. 

6.  Library Update.    Tammi Petrine provided an update on the efforts to stop the County’s strategic plan to downgrade the County’s libraries by eliminating librarians, culling books, and moving to a digital collection.  She noted that the culling of books has been stopped at least temporarily thanks to Supervisor Linda Smyth’s efforts.  The library Board of Trustees has set up two committees to review the strategic plan and communications efforts, and to hold a series of public outreach meetings through October. 

7.  RCA Citizen of the Year Committee.   The Chair asked for volunteers to serve on this year’s RCA Citizen of the Year (COY) Committee, which reviews nominations and recommends a COY to the Board.  The following volunteered:  Mills, Hanley, Petrine, Hartke, and Thomas (in absentia).

8.  RCC Response to Joint Review Proposal.   John Hanley led a discussion of the response from the Reston Community Center Executive Director that RCC could join in a joint panel with RCA and RA to review the issues and options in moving forward with a new Reston Recreation Center

9.  Strategic/Financial Planning Session Date.  This discussion was tabled in the absence of Sridhar Ganesan who is heading the effort.

10.  Technology Report.  Lead Gary Walker was absent.  Connie Hartke noted that she had had business cards created for Board members that provide people links to RCA’s new website.

Joe Leighton arrived at 9:15pm

11.  Election Follow-up.  Dick Rogers noted that there has been little follow-up in addressing the issues raised by RCA’s online Board elections this summer.  He, Gary Walker, and Joe Leighton comprise the committee charged with reviewing those issues and proposing needed technology and bylaw changes to prevent a recurrence of the issues next summer.

12.  Other Business.  George Kain ask about the status of our room rental for 2014 at the North County Government building. Vice President Hanley suggested that Joe Leighton contact Kathleen Driscoll

13.  Adjournment.   By unanimous consent, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25PM.  The next RCA Board meeting will be at 7:30PM, October 28, 2013, at RCC-Hunter Woods.  

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